25 Billionth App Download


I had to find out when the 25 billionth app would be downloaded. As of Friday Feb 24th at 6:27p.m. there was 24,658,507,655 downloads. If you subtract that from 25 billion from the number of download at 6:27p.m.  you get 341,492,345 downloads left. If you divide 341,492,345 by the average number of downloads per minute (33,800) you get 10,103 minutes average until the 25 billionth app is downloaded. If you divide that number by 60 (number of minutes in an hour)  you get the number of hours until the 25 billionth. You’ll get 168 hours. If you divide the number of hours by 24 (number of hours in a day)  you get the number of days which would be 7 days. That would take us to Friday March 2nd at 6:27 pm. You should start downloading around 6:00-  6:30 pm Friday March 2nd.